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We would like to raise your attention and call your urgent action regarding the alarming situation on the Gulf of Finland. We are trying to save our native land. It is full of amazing pine forests, golden beaches. We wish that some day government would hear our voice. Destroying of this beauty means breaking the law
The authorities of the Leningrad Region have signed an investment agreement on the creation of the universal deep-water port Primorsk.
Apr-Aug 2019 on the north shoreline of Gulf of Finland 330 ha of forest was illegally destroyed
We specify what the movement is doing and why we are against the emergence of a universal port on the Gulf of Finland. In the Leningrad region today there are several ports. The ports in Vysotsk made the life of the town impossible. People leave their homes. The huge port in Ust-Luga and the village of Vistino have become a common place of the environmental agenda.
Two oil ports already exist in Primorsk. And now there is a new trouble.
The territory in close proximity to the project of the Universal deepwater port Primorsk is a unique natural area — ‘Berezovye islands’. Reserve is breeding and molting area of the Baltic ringed seal. Population of the Baltic ringed seal consists between 100 and 240 individuals what means high probability of its extinction, because this is the only area where this animal breeds cubs.
Goverment of Leningrad region or other athorities did not any environmental research of project safety, but this year more than 330 ha of forest were completely destroyed to clear site for the construction. That is a violation of the procedure of land transfer according to the Russian Law.
The project caused a negative response of the inhabitants of the coast of the Gulf of Finland, Leningrad region and St. Petersburg, as well as the scientific community disapproved this initiative.
More than 15000 people signed petition against the project. Public gatherings united about 1300 people with slogans «Stop port», «Gulf of Finland is not an industrial zone» and «Save forest»
Public rally and pickets of protesting members of the public are currently being held. The authorities clearly support investors and accuse protesting residents of lobbying the interests of port business rivals. There is no interest in the ecological well-being of the region from the part of Russian authorities in connection with the project .
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